Citizens Bank opened for business in Carthage, Tennessee on October 26, 1929-- three days before the Wall Street Stock Market Crash on October 29, 1929. The bank was organized by a group of local businessmen headed by Walter Birdwell, Sr. There were 59 original stockholders whose number has grown to over 500. The original capitalization was $30,000. Total Capital has grown until the bank now has one of the highest Capital to Asset ratios in the state of Tennessee thus making the bank one of the safest in the entire nation. The Bank of Pleasant Shade was acquired in 1936. Branching started in 1962 with the opening of the Gordonsville Branch making two offices in Smith County. Through merger and branching, there are now nine offices in Smith, White and Putnam Counties. These offices are in Carthage- with two branches, South Carthage and Gordonsville; Sparta- with three branches; and Cookeville with 2 branches. Additionally The Bank has recently setup credit card processing provider services with Crescent to enable our business bank customers to process credit cards at their location. From meager beginnings in 1929, assets have grown to approximately $450 million with a capital of $65 million and capital to assets of 14%. It is the largest independent community bank in the area it serves.