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Checking Accounts    Savings & Investments    Loans
Mortgage Calculator    Safe Deposit Boxes    Special Services


  Checking Accounts 









Free Checking with Overdraft Advantage
Our Overdraft Advantage is a feature of Citizens Bank's personal checking accounts. The plan provides our customers the ability to overdraw their checking accounts up to a predetermined limit. Existing accounts in good standing are automatically covered by the plan. New accounts with a positive balance for 30 days may be given a $300 limit. Accounts that are in good standing and more than six months old may be given a $600 limit. There is an $800 limit available for our Club Accounts and accounts with Automatic Deposits.

To keep your account in good standing, the plan requires making regular deposits to cover your transactions and bringing your account to a positive balance at least once in a 30 day period. If these requirements are not met, your inclusion in the program may be suspended. Normal overdraft charges will occur for each item paid under the plan.

There is no charge unless you use the service.

Our Overdraft Advantage gives you peace of mind knowing that your checks and other withdrawals will be paid up to a pre-approved amount.


  Checking Accounts  The Club
Free Checks, Personalized
$10,000 to $20,000 Accidental Death Insurance
Low Monthly Fee


  Checking Accounts  Merchant Accounts
Grow your small business and accept credit cards at your location.
No monthly service charge options available with premier merchant processors.
A $10.00 charge is made on any merchant account that falls below the $25 monthly minimum balance during a statement cycle.
Interest paid on every dollar in the account
Visa Mastercrd Transastion Rates subject to change
See this website for more details


  Checking Accounts  Prestige Accounts
Available for customers age 50 or older
Interest paid on every dollar in account
Distinctive "Prestige" checks provided at no charge
No monthly fee if minimum balance of $500 or more is maintained
Low balance fee of $6.00 per month if balance falls below $500.00


  Checking Accounts  Regular Checking
No service charges on our regular checking.
No minimum balance required
No service charge to students


  Checking Accounts  Debit Card
MasterMoney debit card available.  It also serves as an ATM card.  MasterMoney can be used at merchants that accept MasterCard credit cards.



  Savings & Investments


Money Market Investments
Balance of $2,500 or more
Rates subject to change
Limited checking
$7.00 service charge when balance falls below $2,500


  Savings & Investments Regular Savings
Interest paid semi-annually
Interest paid to date of withdrawal
Service charge of $ .50 per item after 3 withdrawals in an interest period.


  Savings & Investments IRA
Available to anyone earning a regular income
Your choice of fixed or variable rates
$100 minimum deposit to open account
Rates of interest vary according to the plan used


  Savings & Investments Certificate of Deposit
Citizens Bank offers a wide variety of certificates.
With a deposit of $1,000 or more, you can invest for a period of 31 days up to 60 months with a guaranteed return on your money.


  Savings & Investments Christmas Club
Current interest rate paid on daily balance
$10.00 charge on each withdrawal
Payroll deductions available
No monthly service charge


  Savings & Investments First Choice Money Fund
Minimum opening deposit of $10,000
$10,000 daily balance must be maintained to obtain annual percentage yield
$10.00 service charge if balance falls below $2,500.
Rates subject to change
You may make 6 transfers/withdrawals per month.



Student Loans
Home Mortgage Loans
Home Improvement Loans
Home Equity Loans
Farm Loans


For Loan Request Form, click here
contact your local branch by clicking here.

  Safe Deposit Boxes  
3" x 5" x 24" $20.00
3" x 10" x 24" $30.00
5" x 10" x 24" $45.00


  Special Services

Money Orders $5.00 each
Cashier Checks $5.00 each
Stop Payment  $30.00 each
Checks Returned $30.00 per item
Overdraft Paid $30.00 per item
Christmas Club Withdrawals $10.00 per withdrawal
Customer Account Research $30.00 per hour
Account Reconcilement $30.00 per hour
Dormant Accounts  $2.00 per month
Wire Transfer of Funds $20.00 each
Reissued Lost Debit Card  $20.00 each
Early Account Closing Fee  $20.00
Cashing Non-Customer Checks $5.00
Charge Back Fee $5.00



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